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Air-Dry Clay Speaks The Word

Wednesday 20 February 2019

"Hiding What I'm Feeling" (2014)

Hi! Now I'm pausing for a while about the process and will now tell the meaning and the story behind this painting.

Add caption"Hiding What I'm Feeling" (2014)

Like my usual dillema about not-an-artist days, this painting belonged to those days. I don't know the proper techniques but all I know that time is I have something in my heart that I wanted to paint. 
The main focus was the girl (that's me) looking at the leg in the corner that was about to step out. This leg represents the boy she's admiring. The artist wants to keep the boy a mystery so she didn't even reveal small details like the color of his' skin.
The setting was a forest. The leaves are the main help to represent something hidden, so they help the girl to hide herself. That's the end of the story.
It's kinda sounding corny I know, but what I want to share especially for the new artists, that it's all right to start their artist journey not minding about the do's and dont's of the colors, but to know what picture would you want to appear in your own art.
If there were two of myself namely: Angel me and Devil me, the angel one would say: "You are given freedom to make art. Don't be afraid using brushes, papers and mixing colors. You'll eventually learn from your own experience, and to get serious, those technical details about painting will just follow, with an enjoyment in pursuit of these knowledge"
While the devil one would say: "The painting is totally ruined! Don't you see the hideous overlapping of uncomplementary colors? How can you be called an artist if your art doesn't even stand out? How come you use such mediums and self-made techniques such as using a stick for thin stokes? So silly to think of painting another layer while the previous one isn't dry yet. Colors are flat how can you add details?" 
Then all you feel was stress rather than a hobby to enjoy.

Though most artists normally experience both things, but above all else, it is only YOU who knows what you really want to do. My last reminder was, do not limit yourself. Years later you would turn out much better. Have a happy painting!

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